
IQ test hoax

If you are in the South Africa geographical region then you must have seen these ads around lately. Have you ever treid them? I wouldn't recommened you do. If you would really check how stupid you are you can goto http://www.iqtest.com/ and do a real I.Q test.

The reason I say you should avoid those ads is that n some of them regardless of how much you get right/wrong they still give you there own scores. The object of the whole hing is to get you to subscribe to their sms service and finish up all your hard earned airtime. There might be technicalities making this legal but in my opinion they are trying to conn people into applying for the service and stealing their money.. So be carefull everyone.

Helmet Vision

Toshiba has shown us the future of television in the form of the most unwieldy contraption I’ve ever seen.

Looking like a cross between a space helmet and some sort of industrial grade hair dryer, the prototype system is said to provide an all-encompasssing 360-degree television experience on its massive convex screen.

I can’t wait until they make a wireless version of these so I can wear mine out on the street.

Helpende Hand

'n Weldoener kom op 'n jongman af wat in aller yl besig is om hooi terug te gooi op die wa nadat dit afgeval het.

"Jy lyk uitgeput. Hoekom vat jy nie 'n ruskansie nie?" sê die man "Dan help ek jou."

"Nee dankie" sê die seun "My pa sal nie daarvan hou nie."

"Moenie laf wees nie - enigeen is geregtig op 'n ruskansie!" "Kom vat 'n slukkie water"

Weereens weier die jongman omdat sy pa hom sal kwalik neem.
Die weldoener vervies hom en sê "jou pa moet 'n regte slawedrywer wees. Waar is hy sodat ek hom kan vertel wat ek van hom dink!"

"Wel," antwoord die jongman "Hy is onder die hooi!"

Gatiep en Maraai

One morning while making breakfast, Gatiep walked up to Maraai and klapped her on her boud and said, "Ek se, ou Dikkes, if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle,ne?"

She just gave him the evil eye and replied with silence. The next morning Gatiep woke Maraai with a pinch on the breast and said, "Dolly Parton, if you firmed these up we could get rid of your bra, ne?"

This was beyond a silent response, so she rolled over and grabbed him by his manhood. With a death grip in place she said, "Jy weet ou Slappes, if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the gardener, your neighbour, the plumber, the pool man en jou broer, ne......!"

Almost instant flu relief

The basic reason a common cold doesn't go away in a few hours is that you are reinfecting yourself through the respiratory tract. The germs in your throat are multiplying at great speed.

Repeatedly drinking half-pints of hot water (as hot as possible) continually kills the bacteria responsible for the continued presence of cold symptoms. This does NOT mean to do it as you always have, where you take five or six, maybe even eight sips of hot liquid, and then drink the rest of it warm. That has limited benefit - limited, of course, to the benefits produced by a few sips of hot tea, versus the benefits of sipping a cup of tea.

Instead, use this excellent shortcut, wherein the shortcut is successful no less than ninety percent of the time, works hugely and instantly, provided you include the foundation of you drinking more hot tea.